The FlowIO platform, including all hardware designs, CAD models, PCBs, the software stack, and this website were developed by Ali Shtarbanov as part of his ongoing Ph.D. studies at MIT Media Lab. Numerous others also contributed to this work in a wide variety of ways as listed below, and without whom this project would not have been where it is today. As FlowIO keeps evolving, the list of contributors will keep growing as well, and anyone is welcome to join our mission!
Prof. Brad Holschuh
Prof. Clement Duhart
Prof. David Saldana
Prof. Ed Moriarty
Prof. Florian Mueller
Prof. Heather Culbertson
Prof. Karthik Chandrasekaran
Prof. Ken Nakagaki
Prof. Klas Hjort
Prof. Markus Nemitz
Prof. Neil Gershenfeld
Prof. Robert Katzschmann
Prof. Thrishantha Nanayakkara
Dr. Pranava Gaundan
Ali Shtarbanov
Alive Leyang Xiao
Francesco Bondesani
Habib Haddad
Hyejun Youn
Kuan-Ju Wu
Andreas Nocke
Muhammed Oguz Yildiz
Ozgun Afsar
Roger Hacket
Wanhui Li
Xin Xhu
Ali Shtarbanov
Bai Li
Francesco Bondesani
Hyejun Youn
Irmandy Wicaksono
Michael Bell
Ozgun Afsar
Xinlei Zhang
Ali Shtarbanov
Hyejun Youn
Layal Barakat
Ozgun Afsar
Ali Shtarbanov
Hyejun Youn
Web Design
Ali Shtarbanov
Joseph Paradiso
Jie Qi
Ed Moriarty
Michael Bell
Software Stack
Ali Shtarbanov
Ali Shtarbanov
Hyeonji (Hailey) Oh
Maryam Aljomairi AlHajri
Vik Parthiban
Hardware Design
Ali Shtarbanov
Ali Shtarbanov
Electronics Design
Ali Shtarbanov

Elegoo makes high-resolution desktop 3D printers for the maker and STEM communities, including the popular Mars and Saturn lines of resin 3D printers. They have provided us with their highest resolution Mars 3D printer, which is perfect for creating all the printable FlowIO components, including the most tiny pieces requiring micron-level precision.